Meet our Team

Meet Our Team

Michael Mendyka

Michael is our Managing Director, before founding the Can My Pet? Team; he left a very successful career in the military following a combat injury. Over his career he completed many tours and holds the rank of Captain. Michael holds Master’s degrees in Business and Economics as well as PhD in Psychology which he achieved at Harvard University. His excellent leadership skills and work ethic have been utilised in every part of  building our organisation. Michael speaks five languages so his goal for our company is to reach all pet owners in the UK and eventually the world! He believes that this app can truly help every pet owner!

Having a pet means a lot to Michael, his dogs have helped him through some tough times and as he says, “Waking up, coming back home or simply getting up from the sofa wouldn’t be the same without the happy ‘tippy tappies’ and tail wag.” 

When Michael isn’t working on Can My Pet? projects he enjoys keeping fit, cooking for friends and family and travelling he also loves to work on his garden and do a bit of DIY. His personal goal is to visit all the Natural Parks in the world!

Jacob Harris

Jacob is our Development Director, he is very career focused and loves learning new technologies, in fact he is a self taught tech wizard, he is the brains behind the Can My Pet? app system. His goal for our app is that it will become a ‘one-stop shop for pet assistance’. 

Jacob currently doesn’t have a pet but he appreciates seeing people bond with their furry friends, in the future Jacob plans to adopt a dog from a rescue shelter. 

In his free time Jacob enjoys gaming and keeping fit, he also loves to travel. A personal goal of his is to see all the natural wonders of the world.


Phoebe is a VIP (very important pup) and holds the highest title in the company. She is the main inspiration behind CMPet? because she loves her food! She was adopted by Michael and his wife Natalie when she was 1 year old and she is turning 8 this year.

Her favourite activities include chasing the ball, swimming in the water and going in mud. 

She loves food, snoozing, sun, going for rides in the car and always welcomes a boop on her snoot or a belly rub.

She would love for CMPet? to help as many pet owners as possible so that all pets can enjoy their food as much as she does without ever needing to worry about the risks. Phoebe’s favourite saying is: ”Woof, woof, woof, woof!” and no one can argue with that!

Casey Jumu

Casey joined the team in 2023 and right away helped shaping up the approach to our development, Casey is the brain behinds the app, and our no.1 developer.

Casey has a masters degree in computer science from University of East London and although he doesn’t say this we do call him our ‘Tech wizard’. 

Casey lost his best companion bunny called Patch some time ago now, he says that it’s not the same not having him there anymore, he was always there to pick him up and make him laugh, its like he could read Casey’s mind. 

When not working on CMPet? Casey likes to go to gym play football or get stuck in some online gaming. 
His hope for CMPet? are that our app will be so user friendly and easy to use that it will be a no brainer for anyone with pet to use it!